
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Celestial Fulcrum finished

Here is the completed paint job for Hordes Circle Orboros faction their battle engine the Celestial Fulcrum.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Celestial Fulcrum pt1

Battle engines were delivered Thursday and I've made a lot of progress on the Celestial Fulcrum in this short amount of time. 

Here is what we have so far: 
More to come.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Coming soon...Battle Engines!!!

A big order has come down the pipeline. Like the title reads Battle Engines from Privateer Press will be the next big project for commission. These are what you'll be seeing in the next few weeks, once they arrive that is.

Nothing like a few good commissions to keep that painting drive strong.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Chain painting

Just finished some Black Templar bikes. These are the first wave of minis for a long running commission.
I can see why a person needs a lot of motivation and patience when it comes to chain painting.

More to come,

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

So close yet so far away

Over the weekend I traveled down to do the Color Me Rad fun run with some friends and it just so happens that Blue Table Painting studio was only a few minutes away from where I would be crashing for the night. As I got to their place I noticed it was empty of life so I called up the number on the site and had a little chat with the Shawn. It was just my luck that the rare chance I make it to that part of the state is the same weekend BTP is out of town.
The dice gods were not with me that day.

Here's me at the end of the race.