
Monday, January 23, 2012


Finished up some painting and will post photos here soon. Also started working on token/template sheet for B&B. The photoshop process is a little rusty but hopefully we'll have something to show off this week.


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Alpha play testing

So tonight we had our first play test with the 4.0 alpha rules. Testers gave a lot of good feedback that we'll use to better the flow of the game. Reactions were enjoyable and it looks like this will be a fun game once we get into production.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Doom of Malan'tai

Conversion piece.
Doom of Malan'tai
GW Fine Cast with Hormogant scything talons.
GW paints

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

First commission

Here is finished paint job on my first commission piece.

WH 40K
Eldar Wave Serpent.
Finished my latest painting job. 
This is a mini from the Infinity range:
Haqqislam Maghariba Guard
Painted with Vallejo and GW colors using both brushes and air brush.