
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Enter into the Journeyman

Hello and welcome, WildChevy here, today I’d like to take you into the world of Privateer Press’ game Warmachine using the Journeyman League format. For those out there that are unfamiliar with the Journeyman League, it is a 6 week league put on by a Pressganger that helps new player learn how to play Warmachine and also allows seasoned player the ability to try out new armies. Full rules of the Journeyman League can be found here: Journeyman League.

First week starts with the battlebox which consists of a Warcaster and 2-3 Warjacks. Players get points in their overall standing for playing league games and for hobby painting. Whether a player wins or loses they are still able to earn points. The only caveat is that you cannot play the same player back to back.  Hobby points allow a great balance for those who are not able to play many games during the week. As for me I’m hoping to scratch out a few points each week gaming and also with painting.

My history with Privateer Press has been mostly on the Hobby side along with playing Iron Kingdoms RPG. Over the past few years I have been fortunate to get a few painting commissions that offered trade in exchange for my painting skills. One day I realized that I had a rather nice collection of Khador but I never played the game. So this is a great opportunity to both get my collection painted and learn how to play.

For week one I gathered my forces, picked up the tokens and templates, and also bought some new dice. I’ll be using the alternate Khador battlebox which uses Butcher, Decimator, and Kodiak. I could have bought the Khador battlebox but I already these miniatures in my collection. Here is my force all assembled and ready for battle. They are just lacking a proper paint job. I’m working on it I swear.

Here’s the rundown on how week 1 went with battles:
First opponent was an experienced player to teach me the ropes. A Circle of Orboros normally but this time around he will be using the Trollblood battlebox. As a new player I held back the first few rounds as to try and get a feel for the army. I paid dearly as my Kodiak got surrounded by trolls and failed to do much damage during my feat turn. In the end Butcher came around to go after the troll warlock. Swinging his axe Lola around Butcher caused a fierce amount of damage but a lucky Tough roll kept the warlock alive and in the next round Butcher was defeated.

My second opponent for the week is a somewhat moderate player who is using the Cygnar Battlebox. This time around I was caught off guard by the abilities of the Cygnar Warcaster to buff his ‘Jacks. It felt like a game of cat and mouse for the few first turns. Unfortunately for him he made a critical error and spit his forces to try to flank and hit Butcher with ranged attacks. Butcher has a spell that he can cast which allows everything in his battlegroup to be better at making melee hits. With that spell and along with Butcher’s feat I was able to destroy the other caster’s ‘Jacks with gave me the win.

There is still a lot for me to learn about this game but I shall take it in stride.
Until next week,

Monday, October 14, 2013

Another weekend challenge

Once again the call to paint some Super Dungeon Explore has been answered. Last week's challenge was to paint a hero and this weekend's challenge was for something villainous. I could have painted some of the minions buts opted to go for the big boss Roxor. With the help of the airbrush I got my transitions to coe out really smoothly.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Weekend painting

This weekend I had some time to take paint to the brush. 

First up is a resin pre-production miniature of the Deathbloom from Wrath of Kings. I got this miniature at Gen Con this year. I wanted to push out of my comfort zone and try Non Metallic Metal. This is my first attempt using the NMM method.

While showing off my progress to a few members of the Geek Garage they mentioned how a few of them took on the challenge of painting one of the Super Dungeon Explore heroes over the weekend. I was not going to partake in the challenge at first but after looking at my lonely Caverns of Roxxor expansion I decided to give the Deeproot Scout a nice paint job.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Iron Gauntlet finals

While at Gen Con I ran into a few familiar faces one of them happened to be Jay Larsen, from Chain Attack podcast, who was participating in the PP Iron Gauntlet. I didn't see him again until the IMC. When I asked he said he was in the final round and mentioned that the Stormwall I painted for him was in his list. Lucky for me PP recorded the who match.

This just goes to show that painted miniatures bring better dice roll luck.